Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Marries Is Better Than Being Single Essay Example for Free

Marries Is Better Than Being Single Essay There are lots of discussion and arguments about to being single or getting married nowadays. The new generation might not willing to bound into marriage life and they wish to remain in single life so they can have more privacy, freedom and the commitment of   responsibilities. However, marriage is union ordained by God and it is also a wonderful union of two people in love. It is unique, opposite-sex union with legal, social, economic and spiritual dimensions. Getting married does bring a lot of advantages to a person either family. The biggest advantage for getting married is emotional stability. Married people treat their own family as shelter and they can feel secure and relax when staying together with their family. Family provides a peace and comfort zone for those married people to restore their energy. Marriage can helps the couple to become more tolerant, unselfish, caring and more responsible. Its provide a chances for the husband and wife to grow with and sharing their life’s challenges, rewards and sorrows with a person who actually knows and understand what you going through and feels the same frequency. There are a lots of difficulties have to learn by marriage people as that is not easiest to living with someone for the rest of their life. They have to overcome all the problems facing by them and to learn how to take care of others feeling, patience, emotion control, temper, time management and attitude towards their family. In a marriage life, there are always someone’s to hear your companions. It is good to have someone there to have a share, to bounce ideas or to have a witty exchange of remarks. Companionship among the married peoples also offers support and can be particularly important at times of trouble or stress. At such times, married people have distinct advantages over being single. The other advantage for marriage is that allows couples to pool their both incomes to share the cost of living and debts, save more money for retirement and doing investment. The married people can also sharing a house, car and food so they can enjoy save cost for basic living conditions compare with a single person. Therefore, people who are married become less poverty but more wealth and their money goes further. It is because, they tend to specialize, exchange, and share roles and functions in ways to generate higher earnings, encourage savings, helping each other’s to restrain from impulse spending, and generally leave the family financially better off. Marriage can also leads to better health and greater longevity for people. There are more likely to enjoy better physical health. The spouses are intimately aware of and impacted by their spouse’s choices. In a sense, couples have a significant vested interest in watching out for one another and encouraging healthy choices and behaviour. For example, the wife might not allow her husband drinking, smoking or other unnecessary risk-taking and also control his weights. Compared to single, divorced or widowed people, the married people experience less depression, anxiety, and other types of psychological distress. Besides, the married people will have active, satisfying and safety sex lives compared with single people. The married people tend to have more sex because it costs them less in time, money and psychic energy. They have find it more satisfying because their sex partner is more available, less distracted, more eager and more secure and able to please. The higher levels of satisfaction for married couples is related to the fact that marriage adds meaning to the sexual act because it symbolizes a union that is based on sexual fidelity, stronger commitment and emotional intimacy. It had increased their commitment and their sense of responsibility, and had generally strengthened their relationships. In addition, the married life can brings greater safety towards the married people and expand their social network. It’s because, the married people have companion to visit places together, visit friends or holiday together. For the single person, that is far more difficult as often modern social life is geared around couples and the single person can often feel left out or sometimes, simply not invited. At times, perhaps, having children might seem to impede their social life but it just brings a change in your social life and much of that social life involves being with your children. Lastly, married people will create a family with a new and challenging life instead of boring life compared with single people. Families are created and held together by the lifelong commitment of a man and a woman who live cooperatively and raise and nurture the children born to them. Families are the building block essential to the formation of a community, and strong social structure arises from the foundation many families provide. A thriving society and culture depend on stable marriages. For example, as marriage declines in a culture,  the state must spend more money and care for children who less of the financial stability with divorce family background. Strong marriages statuses are at the heart of thriving family and community. In conclusion, getting married is better than being single as there married leads to emotional stability, financial stability, train the couples become more independent and responsible, better health and greater longevity, have wonderful sexual life, easy to expand social networks and have a new challenging life instead of boring life compared to single people. Getting married is not an easy but it does bring a lot of meaningful to individuals, family and the community.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Simultaneous Bilingual Language Acquisition Essay -- Literacy Investig

Rationale and Strategy I originally grew up in a small town and wasn't exposed to different cultures like I am now in the city. I became fascinated with different languages and how amazing it is that children are capable of learning multiple languages at one time. To fulfill the requirements of a class here at State University, I spent two weeks assistant teaching at a bilingual elementary school. I greatly enjoyed this experience and returned home to become a nanny for a family near by my home that are raising their children to be bilingual with the help of the mother who is fluent in Spanish as well as English. While taking care of these children, I experienced language barriers and was faced with an amazing opportunity to witness children learning two languages first hand. I plan to discover the advantages or disadvantages of children being bilingual at a young age. I would like to investigate which language they are more fluent in and their strategies for increasing vocabulary in both languages. I wou ld like to discover the techniques that they are using for increasing their Spanish vocabulary in addition to their English vocabulary. My strategy for this investigation is to spend time with the family and observe them. I plan to note the toys or other strategies that the family uses to increase the fluency of both languages for their children. I will interview the parents as well as two of the three children since the other child is still an infant. I will observe the children playing and see which language they typically communicate with each other to and how they speak to their parents. I will do research on bilingual children and their language development in order to learn more information and provide the parents with s... ...abulary Development." International Journal of Bilingualism 6.4 (2012): 541-565. Print. MacLeod, Andrea, Leah Fabiano-Smith, Sarah Boegner-Page, and Salome Fontolliet. "Simultaneous bilingual language acquisition: The role of parental input on receptive vocabulary development." Child Language Teaching and Therapy 29.1 (2012): 131-142. Print. Patterson, Janet. "What Bilingual Toddlers Hear and Say: Language Input and Word Combinations." Communication Disorders Quarterly 21.1 (1999): 32-38. Print. Restrepo, M. A., A. P. Castilla, P. J. Schwanenflugel, S. Neuharth-Pritchett, C. E. Hamilton, and A. Arboleda. "Effects Of A Supplemental Spanish Oral Language Program On Sentence Length, Complexity, And Grammaticality In Spanish-Speaking Children Attending English-Only Preschools." Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 41.1 (2010): 3-13. Print.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Film Adaptation Les Miserables by Victor Hugo Essay

Non-Consequentialist theories of morality are best expressed by the character Inspector Javert. His actions are lead by the theory that it is better to lead a life where rules are followed. It is your duty to obey the laws and it is your duty to always act in this manner. Consequences are not to be considered when judging a persons actions (Thiroux, Krasemann, 2012, p. 46). Inspector Javert’s position in society supports his actions. This man must follow the laws set by his government, and lead his community by example. His duty was to carry out the law which are examples of rule absolutes which offer no room for exceptions (Thiroux, Krasemann, 2012, p. 87). The Inspector becomes obsessed with the capture of Jean ValJean, a criminal who must be caught and brought to justice. The film begins with the story of a man, Jean ValJean, who is first introduced to the viewer in a prison setting, where later you find out he was imprisoned for theft. After serving nine-teen years of punishment in prison for his crime he is then rewarded release on parole. Following his release he encounters another situation where he acts in contrast to those beliefs of a rule utilitarian like Javert. These contrasting characters are examples within their guiding principles. Non-Consequentialist Theories are based on the idea that consequences are not and in fact should not be a factor in determining whether the act is moral or immoral (Thiroux, Krasemann, 2012, p. 46). Where as consequentialism is based or concerned with consequences. Jean ValJean’s guiding principles are more of an act utilitarian who believes that everyone should perform that act which will bring out the greatest good over bad for everyone affected by the act (Thiroux, Krasemann, 2012, p. 37). Utilitarianism is a form of Consequentialism. Javert is a rule utilitarian where his ideas are that everyone should always follow the rule or rules that will bring greater good. T hese ideas are contrasting because it is unsure what actions would bring greater good with or without making exceptions to the rules at hand. Javert being an official of the law encourages the importance of law within the film to avoid loosing control within his community. On one hand ValJean broke the law only to avoid the death of starvation. These situations are the basis of the conflicting approaches to morality by each main character in the film. ValJean encounters the Character of Bishop Myriel who offers him a job and teats him kindly despite his criminal background. The Bishop is a positive influence on ValJean. While working for the Bishop, he makes a promise to become a better man and redeem himself only after being caught once again for stealing silverware from the bishop. The Bishop lies to officers only to save ValJean from returning to prison. With the silver that was stolen and now a gift was he only able to accomplish his promise for a better life. ValJeans commitment led him to later became the owner of a factory and the Mayor of his city. There we are first introduced to the character of Fantine. We discover that she has a child, Cossette, who is in care with another family The Thenardiers. Fantine works hard to provide for Cossette at the factory where she is later fired from, which led to her desperate need to make money. Desperate times cause for desperate measures., like Fantine prostituting to as a mean to make money. Fantine’s unlawful actions lead her to encounter the Inspector Javert. Here is where the feuding theories of morality between Javert and ValJean are once brought to question once again. Should Fantines actions be justified by the idea that prostitution is wrong and unlawful, or is it okay because she must provide for Cossette and her needs? In the end the Mayors position allows Fantine to avoid prison time thus bringing about greatness for her family. His utilitarian approach to the situation causes more conflict with the Inspector who believes she should be inprisoned for breaking the law. More evidence with the personal moral theories conflicting are evident when Jean ValJean promises Fantine that he will take care of her daughter Cossette. He first must escape from Mr. Jovert who is now aware that he is a convict. Javert expressed the idea that a law breaker cannot reform therefore ValJean should not be Mayor. Javert commented on his parents also being criminals when he was a child. Once exposed ValJean escapes once again with Cossette to Paris, where they live in a convent. He feels it is his duty to carry out his promise of a better life. Reparation (prima facie) is a duty mentioned when looking at non-consequential theories (Thiroux, Krasemann, 2012, p. 54). Cossette and ValJean are able to achieve a fulfilled life with security in the city of Paris while at the convent. Cossette ultimately asks to not become a nun and persuades ValJean to live outside the convent. Willing to please Cossette, ValJean agrees to the move. Cossette attracts an admirer while exploring her new surroundings in the character Marius. Marius is a young revolutionary who asks to â€Å"Restore the Republic†. He becomes obsessed and determined to interact with Cossette, very much like he is committed to his revolution. Inspector Javert also resides in Paris where he is the newest Deputy as the reward from exposing the truth about Jean ValJean. The â€Å"cat and mouse game† between Jean ValJean and the Inspector Javert is continued in Paris when he is informed with information about the revolutionists new love interested Cossette. Marius was followed by one of ValJeans informant following the revolutionists. Javert is once again on the hot pursuit to bring ValJean to an end. He is determined to bring justice because it is the right thing for him to do. ValJean unaware of Cossettes relationship with her young suitor opens an opportunity for the Inspector to get close and finally cease the former convict. ValJean now a â€Å"reformed man† refuses to give up without a fight. In the attempt to flee once again ValJean is encountered with the dilemma of Marius and Cossette’s relationship. Her relationship is troubled by the increasing resistance from the revolutionists against the Parisian army. With the city barricaded ValJean must return Marius safely to Cossette. In pursuit for Marius the army injures Cossette’s love and now ValJean must flee the chaos of the city with the injured Marius. Not before once again encountering the persistant Javert. This is a turn of events that gives ValJean to turn on his predator and kill him. This doesn’t happen because ValJean is said to have been merciful towards the Inspector. In the end of this tale the Inspector is surprised by the mercy ValJean showed towards him. The Inspector allowed the convict to aid the Marius to some medical attention and return to his capturer. ValJean also agreed to be turned into the Parisian officials after saving Marius. With Marius alive he would no longer have to worry about his Cossettte. Therefore fulfilling his commitment to Fantine. Upon returning Mr. Javert expressed how his gu iding principles to perform his duty the right way brought him confusion when ValJean showed him mercy in the situation of life and death. Death was the only solution the Inspector had in store to this for this ending. Everything ValJean did was justified when the Inspector decided to kill himself. The Inspector never breaking the law himself saw that there were flaws to his guiding principles and could not live with himself no more. Unwilling to face the consequences he saw fit to end his life thus granting ValJean his freedom. He felt his obsession for the capture of the ValJean would see no end and haunt him forever. At this point he acknowledges the fact that ValJean is a reformed man and not an â€Å"animal† thought to have been created while in the prison system. Before ValJean was a â€Å"difficult problem† to the Inspector himself and he needed bring justice to those acts of the former Mayor. Everyday we are faced with the same if not different situations where we are asked to do the â€Å"right thing†. This is very difficult even to those who appeal to be morally or ethically correct. Rules can be to general and only act as a guide to do the greatest of good while avoiding consequences. It is also difficult in the sense that there acts or rules offer no exceptions. The story of Les Miserables proves otherwise. ValJean overcame many difficulties and while his actions may have been unlawful they did affect those around him positively. His actions in the end brought him security and loving relationship with his â€Å"daughter†, Cossette, all while ultimately keeping his promis to the Bishop Myriel and the late Fantine. His actions throughout the film prove that he is indeed a good man despite his criminal background. ValJean accomplishes reformation which seemed impossible to the characteristics of the Inspector. Ciminals should be brought to jusitice, laws are meant to be followed, under no circumstances can the law be flawed, and no exceptions are to be made. These guiding principles for the Inspector shaped his actions throughout this story. ValJeans actions show that his is a honest, caring, and loving man who is rewarded with freedom. He no longer has the fear of being caught by the Inspector and also rewarded with love from his â€Å"daughter†, Cossette. In the film ValJean states that â€Å"Love is the only future God gives us†. The guiding theories to ones ethical and moral dilemmas can be conflicting with those of others. Here we have actions based on the idea of realizing the consequences for your actions first or not thinking about any consequences and acting on what you feel to be right. Rules should always be followed with no exceptions. The belief that one should not be judged or defined by any action in particularly. Rules are important to a society bringing awareness to consequences by ones actions. It is important to not give up on ourselves because we are all capable of reformation if we want it.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Regionalisms Impacts on America, Especially The...

America is over three million miles long, as such, we have many regions with unique settings and accents. In American literature, Regionalism was invented to better convey the aspects of one region in a novel. Regionalisms impact on America can be measured through its popularity in the 1930s, unique writing style, and ongoing influence on writers today (Brooks 1960). According to the Oxford Dictionary, Regionalism refers to Regional quality, character, or distinctiveness; regionality; esp. the expression of this in literature, art, etc.(Oxford Dictionary, 2014) While this definition is true, Regionalism also refers to the customs and topography of the region in question. Influenced predominantly by the Southwest, Regionalism came into prominence during the early 1900s. Despite the fact that Regionalist novels were written as early the 1880s, novels like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn did not gain popularity until the 1930s, but have not faded from the public conscious since. At first, the Regionalist style was regarded as coarse by many people of the time. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was banned from the Concord Library. The Concord (Mass.) Public Library committee has decided to exclude Mark Twains latest book from the library. One member of the committee says that, while he does not wish to call it immoral, he thinks it contains but little humor, and that of a very coarse type. He regards it as the veriest trash (Concord Library, 1885). This regard